“Especially moving are the slow movements, highlighting Neebe’s wonderful legato playing and crystal clear sound.”
“´Prayer and Epilogue´, komponiert von Roger T. Petrich für den Solotrompeter Paul Neebe gelangte zur Uraufführung zur großen Freude des Publikums, welches, gepackt von der Brillianz des Vortrages, dem Solisten spontanen Beifall zollte.”
“The Worldwide Premiere of `Prayer and Epilogue´, composed by Roger T. Petrich for Trumpet Soloist Paul Neebe, was brilliantly performed, and to the grand delight of the public, drew spontaneous applause.”
“The RSO´s new Principal Trumpet Paul Neebe not only nailed the noble Promenade theme at the beginning of the work, but turned a virtually flawless performance in the viciously difficult trumpet part in the movement titled `Two Polish Jews, One Rich, the other Poor´”
“The trumpet often seemed to float upon a great pianistic cloud… Balance was consistently outstanding – no mean feat when trumpeters team up with other musicians.”
In the Concerto for Trumpet, soloist Paul Neebe was very much in control, especially in the brisk, fresh Allegro. The timing and precision of both the trumpet and orchestra were excellent.”
CD Reviews:
“Neebe’s playing is nothing short of spectacular. His control and tone, whether he is announcing or serenading, gliding, or dancing, playing bright or quiet, staccato or legato, are impressive.”
“Neebe performs flawlessly with effortless vitality”
“Neebe nails each sections character with panache and verve.”
“Neebe handles the wide intervals with ease, playing at all times with a ringing tone and crisp articulation”
“Neebe plays with great power and intensity and sounds equally at home in all registers of the instrument”
“Hohe künstlerische Reife, gepaart mit audiophiler Aufnahmegüte, machen die rund 55 Minuten zu einem wahren Hörgenuss.”
“High artistic level, paired with a High Quality recording, gives 55 minutes of listening enjoyment.”